Portree (Isle of Skye), Scotland, United Kingdom

We arrived at Portree at a little before noon, and the began to give out tender tickets. We got our tickets and had to wait about 45 minutes for an available tender. After an 11 minute tender ride we were ashore.
The tender docks at a small area that has a steep gangway going to the shore. After leaving the tender there are stairs to get to street level. Because of the area, there is very little room for tour busses or taxis. Walking out of that area is another steep uphill climb. It really seemed that we were going uphill the entire time.
Our early plan was to grab a cab and get a look at the surrounding area. That plan was not going to happen. It seems that taxis are rare in Portree. When we couldn't get one, I called the offices of about 5 cab companies, one of which was closed. The others were fully booked for a couple of hours.
I walked around a bit and took some pictures of the quaint little seaside town. After a bit, I grabbed a tender back to the ship.
Our next stop will be in Iceland, on August 13th.